
Tuesday 25 March 2014

Health and Safety?

 In contemporary world where we are contently being reminded about the danger of the surrounding us world it is impossible to even imagine work performance as shown on the picture above.  Even looking at this photograph gives me goosebumps.  It looks like those two man during their lunch break decided to show off how 'fearless' their are.  What is interesting that nowadays people still are prepared to perform that kind of  potentially lethal activity.  What is that make some of us seeking a danger.  Is it the need for adrenalin rush, necessity to show of in front of pears or maybe just simply lack of imagination? One think is clear that change of the awareness of the dangers in our world does not make any different to some that show unexplained need for the excitement.  This picture brings to mind Alan Robert, also known as the French Spider-man.  He does illegally climes the highest buildings in the world without any ropes or support risking his life.  He is an example that as before regardless how much knowledge we gain about danger and how much precaution we put in place to protect follow humans there always be people who will want to break the rules.

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