The tragic story of Car Nicholas the second and his family is an outcome of political struggles in early twentieth century Russia. The events that took place in summer of 1918 ended forever the powerful monarchy and started the long period in history in which the country was rolled by the Bolsheviks and Communist party. I have always had this naive perception that Russia under the monarch was somehow magical and full of secrets to discover. The story of this family is very sad and leaves us with the feeling of sadness, loss and injustice; the struggle for power that destroys the life of innocents just to make sure that there will not be any remains of the old ideology for people to hold on to.
The fact that the whole family including the children were shot in cold blood is extremely cruel. The reason that this crime interests so many people, and still is a popular subject of debates, is that we can see the family in one of the first movies and pictures enjoying everyday life. We can see them in their private setting which I think make us relate to them more. They were not the Royal Family always posing, visible at the official events or a painting, but a family so different and yet so similar to many others.
There are a lot of legends connected to Romanov's death, like that one about princess Anastasia surviving and still living somewhere, or the one that the ladies in the family hid jewels under their clothing which then stopped the bullets from hitting them, all of which sounds rather unlikely. The most shocking thing to me is the fact that people could do something so cruel and evil. I can never understand how something like that could be even thought of. The most terrifying thing is that crimes against innocents happens all the time and even after so many years we are unable to stop them from happening.
The only thing we have to remind us are those photographs and movies that we have, the only thing that remains of the last Russian Royal Family.
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